Daily astrological readings from the ancient book of changes
Fixing What Has Broken
Fixing What Has Broken

Fixing What Has Broken

18. Fixing What Has Broken

It is time to fix things that aren't working. Examine the cause thoroughly before you begin, and follow through with your improvements once you have started.

At the beginning: You don't need to be in charge of every situation. Let others lead and people will treat you differently.

In the second place: Indecision is a weakness that can be overcome in a moment. Know your reasons and stand by your choices.

In the third place: Correct your own mistakes with compassion. There is no need to be harsh in self-discipline.

In the fourth place: Acknowledge and correct your mistakes. Self-disipline requires consistency.

In the fifth place: Things won't get better until someone takes the initiative to reform. That person could be you.

At the top: Your spiritual development is not for you, it is so you can work for the benefit of everyone.