Daily astrological readings from the ancient book of changes
54. the Marrying Maiden
54. the Marrying Maiden

54. the Marrying Maiden

54. the Marrying Maiden

You may be excited about your new enterprise, but fighting the truth is futile. The reality of the situation may not be what you expect.

At the beginning: Even if you are not in charge, your participation is needed to assure success.

In the second place: See this throught to the end, even if you have to do it alone.

In the third place: This is not a good time to forge ahead, it could be dangerous. Wait a little longer.

In the fourth place: There may be delays in your plans. Continue working towards your goals quietly.

In the fifth place: You may have to compromise yourself to achieve your goals.

At the top: If you are insincere in your thoughts, do not let them become actions.