Daily astrological readings from the ancient book of changes
62. Preponderance of the Small
62. Preponderance of the Small

62. Preponderance of the Small

62. Preponderance of the Small

You will be successful if you seek only small achievements. Humility will serve you well in these times.

At the beginning: If you are not ready, then do not make the attempt. Take the time to develop your skill further.

In the second place: Take each step in turn and you will continue to move ahead.

In the third place: Be careful in all your activities, however insignificant.

In the fourth place: You have the strength to win but it is not worth the sacrifice you will be forced to make.

In the fifth place: You are not achieving results, it is time to get some help.

At the top: Keep within your limits. You may be trying too hard.